Monthly Archives: May 2017

Episode 95: The Sacred Masculine and The Divine Feminism (or a Second Title for Shelton)

Listen to Episode 95

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In this Episode: 

Writer/Performer/Awesome Person Shelton Pritchard Lindsay talks about the power of performance, and its role in facilitating conversations, reaching across political party lines and uniting the entire world. Sometimes.

Then, Katharine plays a very special audio clip from a very special person (her boyfriend)’s recent graduation speech about being an artist in a capitalist society.

Also, see Katharine perform with the New York Neo-Futurists! Her first run with the company in The Infinite Wrench is happening now every weekend until June 10th! Not able to make it then? It’s ok – the show is year round so you should see it anyway because it is amazing.

Like the show? Tip The Bartender! Or give it 5 stars!

About the Guests:

Shelton is a writer and performer with The New York Neo-Futurists, a Clown with Fou Fou Ha – Fou York, Producer of NYC’s most dancy dance party The Get Down, and an independent artist. Check him out in 21st Century Faggot, his one man show this summer. Find him on insta @sheltiep and Here he is looking absolutely perfect:


Art by Shelton, photo by Krys Fox

Alexander Kveton is a playwright who has worked several times with Theater Reconstruction Ensemble and other companies such as Fresh Ground Pepper, NoPassport Theatre AllianceNylon Fusion Collective and many more. He was a contributing artist to AFTER ORLANDO, a collection of new plays from noted international playwrights in response the shooting at Pulse Nightclub on June 12, 2016. Alex just graduated with an MFA in Playwriting, and his last name is pronounced “kv-EE-ton” and you should know that when announcing him. Here he is being casual and totally not moonlighting as a model:



Music Credits:

“Setting Sun” by Chris Powers

“El President” by Drugstore Featuring Thom Yorke

“Playground Love” by Air

“Bottled in Cork” by Ted Leo & The Pharmacists